1. Summary

The Vote Escrowed PWN (vePWN) token handles the main logic for staking PWN tokens and implements voting power calculation for stakers.

3. Contract details

  • VoteEscrowedPWN.sol is written in Solidity version 0.8.25


  • Stake for yourself or on behalf of another account

  • Manage your stake (merge, increase, split)

  • Withdraw stake

Inherited contracts, implemented Interfaces and ERCs

The VoteEscrowedPWN contract itself doesn't implement any functions, define events or errors. All functionality of the contract is inherited. VoteEscrowedPWNStake contract implements functions to manage stake. VoteEscrowedPWNPower handles all calculations of voting power in PWN DAO. VoteEscrowedPWNStakeMetadata implements a function to get metadata for a particular stake.

Last updated