PWNDeployer.sol contract manages deployments of the PWN Protocol contracts. It uses the Open-Zeppelin Create2 library to deploy contracts with the same addresses on all chains.
2. Important links
3. Contract details
PWNDeployer.sol is written in Solidity version 0.8.16
Deploy new contracts
For ownable contracts, the deployer can transfer ownership to a supplied address
Provides a function to compute an address of a contract is deployed
Inherited contracts, implemented Interfaces and ERCs
This function deploys a new contract with given salt and transfers ownership of the deployed contract to the supplied address. It is expected for the deployed contract to implement Ownable.
This function takes three arguments supplied by the owner:
bytes32salt - Salt to use in the CREATE2 call
addressowner - Address to transfer the ownership to
bytes memorybytecode - Encoded code for contract creation with included constructor arguments