PWN Safe Factory is used to deploy new PWN Safes and keep track of all deployed PWN Safes. This contract also implements IPWNSafeValidator interface so it can validate genuine PWN Safes.
2. Important links
3. Contract details
PWNSafeFactory.sol is written in Solidity version 0.8.15
Deploy new PWN Safe Proxys
Check if an address is a valid PWN Safe
A user can deploy a new PWN Safe proxy by calling the deployProxy function.
This function takes two arguments supplied by the caller:
address[] calldataowners - Array of addresses which will be able to sign transactions for this Safe
uint256threshold- Amount of owner signatures required for a valid transaction
Getter function for the isValidSafe mapping (address => bool) stored inside the PWN Safe Factory contract.
This function returns true if a given address is a valid PWN Safe Proxy and returns false otherwise.
function isValidSafe(address safe) external view returns (bool);
mapping(address => bool) public isValidSafe;
Set up function for a new PWN Safe. It ensures Safe has the correct Safe singleton, and initialises the Safe with the correct ATR Module and Guard. Only the PWN Safe Proxy can call this function.
This function does not define any parameters.
function setupNewSafe() external {
// Check that is called via delegatecall
address(this) != pwnFactorySingleton,
"Should only be called via delegatecall"
// Check that caller is GnosisSafeProxy
// Need to hash bytes arrays first, because solidity cannot compare byte arrays directly
keccak256(gnosisSafeProxyFactory.proxyRuntimeCode()) ==
"Caller is not gnosis safe proxy"
// Check that proxy has correct singleton set
// GnosisSafeStorage.sol defines singleton address at the first position (-> index 0)
bytes memory singletonValue = StorageAccessible(address(this))
.getStorageAt(0, 1);
bytes32(singletonValue) ==
"Proxy has unsupported singleton"
The PWN Safe Factory contract defines one event and no custom errors.
event PWNSafeDeployed(address indexed safe);
PWNSafeDeployed event is emitted when a new PWN Safe Proxy is deployed by the deployProxy function.
This event has one parameter:
address indexedsafe - Address of the newly deployed proxy contract