To prevent any attacks there is a hard cap of 10 % on the fee size.
The config contract is meant to be used behind a proxy contract, which enables the addition and removal of parameters as the protocol evolves. The proxy implementation used is the TransparentUpgradableProxy from Open Zeppelin.
2. Important links
3. Contract details
PWNConfig.sol is written in Solidity version 0.8.16
Stores PWN Protocol parameters
Inherited contracts, implemented Interfaces and ERCs
Returns a LOAN token metadata URI based on a loan contract that minted the token.
This function takes one argument supplied by the caller:
addressloanContract - Address of a loan contract
functionloanMetadataUri(address loanContract) externalviewreturns (stringmemory uri) { uri = _loanMetadataUri[loanContract];// If there is no metadata uri for a loan contract, use default metadata uri.if (bytes(uri).length ==0) uri = _loanMetadataUri[address(0)];}
Returns the state fingerprint computer for a given asset.
This function takes one argument supplied by the caller:
addressasset - Address of the asset for which the computer is requested